DREAMER SIGHT Coaching and Healing
Nancy L. Neff

LifeForce Abundance Coach
EFT ("Tapping") Coach
Vision and Dreams Coach
eye logo Email: Nancy@dreamersight.com

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End of December 2014 Dreamer Sight Newsletter

Hello, and a fantastic finishing of December to you!
Welcome, or welcome back, to my newsletter. The photo above was taken on a windswept beach just as I sat on a bench to put my shoes on. My friend came up with her camera and made me laugh. Enjoy your friends as the year winds down, and your own messiness. Looking polished and perfect is overrated!

Today's issue has 2 articles, the first on how EFT can help with holiday or seasonal stress. The second article is about previous newsletters, for a year-end retrospective, a looking back before entering the new year. Enjoy!

EFT: Using EFT to help with holiday overwhelm
 visual floaters Most people I know are feeling extra stress right now. This could be from holiday preparations on top of what is already a too-full schedule, or from end of the year work or financial deadlines, or from the dark and cold in the Northern Hemisphere, or from dealing with relatives who get on your nerves.

EFT can help! For many years I've kept journals to help me sort out my feelings. When I discovered EFT, it felt like turbo-charged spoken journaling, very powerful. You don't need special tapping words to do this yourself. Just tap around the standard points, saying how you feel. Maybe it's "I'd rather stay home and read a book than go to another party. Bah humbug!", or "Aunt Sal always criticizes my looks -- it makes me so angry!". Then tap tap tap to move the feelings out of you.

Working with an EFT practitioner could take you even farther, maybe helping you identify and release some old issues which are being triggered by the current situation. Sometimes what appears to be the problem is not the real issue! In any case, don't let your stress build up to the point where you're upset and unhappy. Take care of yourself and your precious feelings. I'd like you to enjoy your holidays, and maybe even enjoy those irritating relatives!

If you're unfamiliar with EFT, you'll find a brief overview here, so you can learn more about it.

Newsletter contents on website now
 racetrack It's been almost a year since this newsletter began. When I started I wrote several articles once a month. Now I write a few times a month, at most 2 articles each time. (This change was based on reader feedback.) So there's already a lot of content, and I realized that the mere issue name of "Early August 2014" won't lead you to the article therein on dreaming of dead relatives!

To help you find what you want to re-read, or to check out what was published before you subscribed, the Newsletter List page on my website has been enhanced to now include what each issue contains. Feel free to browse and review, or read for the first time. Thanks -- I want it to be easy for you to find what I write!

Note that you won't have to hunt for the Newsletter List page in the future, when there won't be a featured article here about it. You can always find a link near the end of this newsletter to all previous issues.

Would you like your own copy of future newsletters?
If a friend forwarded this to you, or you're reading it from Facebook or LinkedIn, this is a hit-or-miss method of receiving it, and you might not see it next time. If you'd like to be on my distribution list, send me a short note here. You can unsubscribe at any time. Thank you!

Please send me your questions and comments
Let me know what you've wondered about concerning vision or dreams or EFT. I'll be glad to write a short article addressing that topic. Thank you to those who have sent me questions, or see a question you asked me in a private session written about here. You're helping many other people! Enjoy the last week of this sacred month of December. I'll write again in a week or so. Take care!

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