LifeForce Abundance Coach
EFT ("Tapping") Coach

Image : Nancy looking at the sky

Nancy L. Neff
Vision and Dreams Coach
Email: Nancy@dreamersight.com

EFT coaching sessions
Vision coaching sessions
Dream coaching sessions

Contact Nancy

December 2014 Dreamer Sight Newsletter

Hello, and a delightful December to you!
Welcome, or welcome back, to my newsletter. The photo above shows me looking up at the sky, probably following a bird in flight and being grateful for the detail I can see. Are you looking around you and above you, or only narrowly focused on what's straight ahead?

Today's issue has 2 articles, the first on vision and seeing size correctly. The second article is about dreams, how they can reflect your life back to you for a fresh perspective. Enjoy!

Vision: Seeing size accurately
 big child, tiny man When babies are first learning to see, they are fascinated by moving shapes and colors, like a mobile dangling above their crib. They reach out to grasp things, Mommy's face or that toy, teaching themselves about spatial relationships, about what is near and what is far.

As the infant grows and moves out into the world, the concept of "far" changes from outside the playpen or crib to across the room and as far as the baby can crawl to even greater distances. He or she learns to estimate how far away something is by its size and by the size of what is close to it.

If a child gets eyeglasses at a young age, this can interfere with normal visual development. Then "reaching out" might only be as far as the lenses in front of the child's face! Wearing glasses flattens natural depth. As you reduce your prescription, starting to come out of those "eye cages", your visual system needs to re-learn how to see normal 3D depth, and to estimate distance. It can be done -- I did it (and am still doing it!) myself.

To read about my experience with interpreting size and distance while wearing strong glasses, then easing my way out of them, click here.

Dreams: Holding up a mirror to your life
 you are here sign In the previous newsletter I wrote about dreams which show us behaving very differently than the way we think of ourselves. See the first article here, with the blue character pushing the red character, if you want to review that. This time I'm interested in familiar dream roles. Perhaps you often dream of yourself taking care of children, or in an office, since that's where you spend a lot of your waking time.

Within these familiar scenes, I like to look closely at my behavior and my interactions. Am I acting in a way which makes me proud, being considerate of others and listening at least as much as I talk? If I'm teaching, which I often am in my dreams, am I being clear, checking with my students to see if they're taking in what I'm saying? Or am I detached, just giving a speech?

No matter what your role, your dreams can help you move forward on your path, or course-correct, if you pay attention to them and apply their messages. Whether you're a housewife or farmer or airline pilot or corporate mogul, your dreams can show you where you are, and where you might be headed. You can indeed "live your dream" (that's not just a catchy phrase!), by fine-tuning your actions to align with dream wisdom. And it's so satisfying when you see your dreams reflect a change you've made!

For a recent dream of mine where I'm teaching, and not sure I'm connecting with my student, click here.

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For the holidays, consider giving the gift of a coaching session!
Have you benefited from an EFT or Vision or Dream coaching session? Or have you always wanted to do this but just haven't gotten around to it? If so, you may wish to give this gift to someone you care about, or to yourself, this holiday season. Write to me here to arrange this.

Please send me your questions and comments
Let me know what you've wondered about concerning vision or dreams or EFT. I'll gladly write a short article addressing that very topic. Thanks to those of you who have sent me questions, or see a question you asked me in a private session written about here. You're helping many other people! Enjoy the start of this sacred month of December. I'll write again in a week or so. Take care!

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